Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Hello Everyone!
          This blog will be a little bit of everything..photography, food, people, places and things as well as reviews, my travels and just whatever hits my fancy. Shall we start with a little or perhaps a lot about me?
My name is Rebecca
I'm a west coast native living else where now...exploring the rest of the country.
I'm 28
I feel young and old all at the same time...is this what approaching 30 feels like?
I'm a born again (meaning I'm saved and a believer of the trinity). I love HIM, he holds me as I travel this life.
I have one brother who is 21 months apart from me (I'm the oldest) but pretty much my twin and one of my best friends.
I'm a wife
I'm a mom
Photography, I feel is very much apart of me...has been since I was very young. I get into a zone and just become one with camera and I love it. (I am in no way a professional and do not declare all to think so. I do it for me)
I love exploring and experiencing new things, especially when it comes to traveling
I love food! Eating it and cooking it.
I love to read
I love music of all kinds and almost always burst into song throughout the day.
Being from the Northwest, the ocean is very much apart of me. It calms me and thinking of it often brings a bittersweet emotion.
I love a good laugh
I love a good cry
I love to love
I'm dramatic and will be the first to admit it.
I love new notebooks, journals and pens. The smell, the look...it takes me awhile to use just because I love the newness and want to make sure it is not used in vain (I know...weird)
I love Coca Cola
I'm the biggest history nerd
I obsess easy, if I like something such as a food, place or song ect... I will obsess over it until I can't stand it or it just bores me. 
Ok I'm done with the "get to know me" for now
Stay tuned!! I have lots planned :)